Centrum buddhismu Diamantové cesty Praha


Buddhismus Diamantové cesty linie Karma Kagjü, n. s.
Na Maninách 17a
170 00, Praha 7 – Holešovice

Public transportation
Trams 1, 6, 14, 25 (Maniny stop)
Trams 1, 12, 14, 25 (Dělnická stop)

[email protected]

+420 608 974 972 (David – CZ, EN)

Radka Vrbková  |  +420 774 579 801  |   [email protected]

IČ: 73634174, DIČ: CZ73634174

The development of Buddhism in Prague

The Buddhist centre in Na Maninách street Buddhism in Prague on the basis of voluntary donations and gifts (either single donations or a standing order).

Your gifts are welcomed and we thank you for taking part in developing Buddhism in Prague!

Account number for donation

account name: Buddhismus Stiftung
bank: Commerzbank Hamburg
IBAN: DE20200400000628808805
BLZ: 20040000, account no: 628808805
purpose/note: Donation Prague

For the single donation You can use our payment gateway.